How to Avoid Jackknifing

If a semi-truck driver loses control of their large rig, it can cause the vehicle to jackknife, or fold into itself. In a jackknifing situation the trailer becomes out of sync and causes the truck to form a V or L shape, creating a dangerous situation for the driver and other people on the road…. read more

What Can I Get Restitution for if I’m Involved in an 18-Wheeler Accident

18-Wheeler accidents are much worse than accidents involving to cars. Semi trucks can weigh up to 10,000 pounds, making it unlikely for a normal car to stand a chance in an accident with one. These accidents can sometimes be catastrophic so it is important to understand who’s liable when these accidents occur and what you… read more

Is a Semi-Truck Accident More Likely to Cause Injury?

Accidents involving semi trucks can be very traumatic. They weigh between 16,000 to 20,000 pounds, making their accidents much more dangerous than accidents involving cars. In fact, semi trucks are five times more likely to cause serious injury or even death than an accident involving two cars. If you’ve been injured in an accident involving… read more

Most Common Causes of Semi Truck Accidents

Semi trucks can be the cause of some of the worst traffic accidents on the road. Each year, this industry creates severe health and safety risks, injury and even death. As the number of trucking accidents goes up, it is important to understand what most commonly causes these accidents. In better understanding the causes of… read more