Pedestrians Hit by Semi Trucks

When it comes to semi-trucks, no accident is minor. Every day, there are news articles about collisions caused by or including semi-trucks. When a semi-truck collides with a pedestrian, the results are nearly always catastrophic.

Earlier this month, in Corpus Christi, an 18-wheeler was making a wide turn onto Highway 286 when the truck collided with a 79 year old man who was attempting to jump start his stalled car. Witnesses told police officers that the man got stuck in the back tires of the semi, and was dragged for 8-10 feet before the driver realized. The pedestrian suffered severe injuries, and died that night in the hospital.

In a separate incident, a 20 year old Texas City man was hit by an 18-wheeler as he mowed the grass along the highway. The semi-truck driver veered off the road for unknown reasons, and struck the young man. He died as a result of injuries sustained in the accident.

Motorcyclists are also at great risk. In June, a 41 year old Odessa man who was on his motorcycle was hit by a semi-truck that failed to yield to right of way. The force was so great that the motorcyclist died as a result.

Unfortunately for the families affected by these great losses, the trucker is usually represented by an attorney assigned by the trucking insurance provider. This attorney’s sole focus is to ensure that the amount of compensation payed out is as little as possible. They are tough and experienced and will usually not offer a fair settlement unless it becomes apparent that the case will be taken to trial. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an accident involving a semi-truck, contact a semi-truck accident lawyer today to discuss your case.

Read the original articles here, here, and here.