Semi-Truck Tire Blowouts and Accidents Caused by Excessive Speeding

Here in Texas, we have the highest posted speed limits in the country: 85 for both cars and big trucks. Especially in the Houston area, because of the high population and the many industries prevalent in this city, we have heavy traffic and a huge number of 18-wheelers on the roads at all times. The speed rating on semi-truck tires is a maximum of 75 mph, yet many truck drivers consistently exceed that speed. As a result, the number of deadly accidents caused by tractor trailer tire blowouts is on the rise.

The American Trucking Association has been warning of the dangers of truckers driving too fast for years. The ATA urges truck drivers to drive no faster than 65 mph, regardless of the posted speed limit. The trucking industry has been pushing for years for a federal law that would require an electronic speed regulator in every semi-truck, but the process has been slow, and the law shows no signs of being passed any time soon. Right now, about 69% of semi-trucks on the road do have a speed regulator that was installed by the trucking company, but that means almost 1 of every 3 trucks on the road is not equipped with such a device, and therefore the truck driver can drive as fast as he or she pleases, putting themselves and all other drivers on the road at risk.

Not only are tire blowouts more likely to occur at high speeds, but the stopping distance for a truck is greatly increased as well. Accidents involving an 18-wheeler are often catastrophic for any other passenger vehicles involved. Because truckers are entrusted with carrying heavy loads in vehicles capable of causing massive destruction, they cannot afford to be negligent in any way. Truckers must take meticulous care to ensure their loads are secured properly, their truck is properly maintained, that they are rested and alert while driving, and that they avoid driving at excessive speeds that may put others in danger.

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an accident involving a semi-truck, speak with a personal injury attorney with experience fighting truck accident cases. The Freeman Law Firm, P.C. has had great success fighting trucking companies for many years. If you are in Houston or the surrounding Southeast Texas area, contact The Freeman Law Firm, P.C. today.

Read original article here.