Houston a Hot Spot for Red Light Accidents

According to Forbes.com, Houston is the worst city in the US when it comes to fatalities resulting from running red lights. Houston had the highest number of deaths due to accidents caused by running red lights between 2004 and 2013. The National Coalition for Safer Roads claims that red-light crashes peak around summer holidays such as Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Unfortunately, because red light crashes are high-speed accidents, they tend to be detrimental to the vehicles involved and the people riding inside. The impact can be so violent, and the effects on the human body so damaging, that many surviving victims are left with serious injuries and emotional trauma for the rest of their lives, as well as the ongoing terror experienced each time they hear the sound of screeching car tires.

Channel 2 Investigates examined the reports of every red-light accident reported to the Texas Department of Transportation in the last three years, and mapped the “hot spots” where these accidents occur the most. They looked at both driver fatalities and pedestrian fatalities caused by red light running. Between 2013 and 2015, there were 61,133 red light accidents in Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Montgomery County. See the maps of accident areas here.

The worst part about red-light crashes is that they are completely preventable, since they are caused by negligent drivers. Whether they are distracted by a cell phone or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the drivers that cause these devastating accidents often change their victims’ lives forever. If you or someone you know has been injured or killed due to another driver running a red light, speak to a car accident attorney today.

Read Forbes.com article here.